Packaging and Sustainability
I've thought long and hard about how best to bring my mix out to you in a way that's convenient but has the least impact on the environment.
Lovely pouches are unfortunately not recyclable as they are made of composite materials but I needed something that could be sealed and keep the ingredients fresh, and ready to use. I also didn't want you to worry about waiting for a delivery or missing it. S opted for a letter box style package and left out any extra paper and card, opting instead to use a QR code link to bring you direct to all the information you need!
I know the reality is that most people will throw away the plastic pouches as we don't yet have kurb side recycling for soft plastics, so I chose to use the smallest lightest option and until we have curb side soft plastic recycling, I will be use biodegradable bags, so that anyone with a Home Composter can compost the bags and reduce their foot print even further.
The bags used are NatureFlex™ Bags:
UK compostable, gusseted bags will decompose when bacteria or other living organisms act on them. Home compostable bags can be composted along with your garden waste, and sometimes food waste (depending on local kerbside collections) and will degrade quite quickly. They are certified to the EN13432 standard for compostable packaging.
So if you Home compost, throw the bags in and if you dont, just pop them in your regular bin. Everything else is recyclable, including the paper raffia bows!
It's a work in progress and I have a lot of ideas on how to grow and improve the sustainability of this little business but in the meantime, rest assured that I've taken great care to use products that are ethical sources as much as possible and will continue to improve this.